
Podcasts on Artificial Intelligence and the humanities

The first podcast in our new mini-series, Is AI for me? Perspectives from the humanities, is out! First episode In The highs and lows of artificial intelligence, Melissa Terras, Professor of Digital Cultural Heritage at the University of Edinburgh, talks to me about the critical issues around the use of AI in humanities scholarship. Melissa […]


Launch: British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s)

Join us on 19 May to discover how you could advance your research with the British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) – Collections on the History of Science (1830s-1970s) digital archive. This innovative resource has been created through a collaboration between Jisc and Wiley, and the contribution of fourteen British universities with their […]

Collaboration Uncategorized

Opportunity for publishers of digital archival collections

Jisc would like to invite publishers of digital archives and primary source material to respond to a “Request for Information” for a potential new initiative, the Digital Archival Collections (DAC) publishers’ collaboration programme, through our E-tendering portal. [This initiative is separate from the current Jisc Digital archival collections group purchasing scheme.] This is an information […]

Participation opportunity

Do you want to get your history of science collection digitised? Let us know!

Does your library or archive hold collections on the history of science that you would like to digitise? If so, Jisc and Wiley would like to hear from you! Jisc and Wiley invite UK HE libraries and archives to submit expressions of interest for their collections to be considered for digitisation. If this is for […]

Jisc sets up new group-purchasing pilot with publishers to lower cost of digital archival collections

Jisc is working in collaboration with three publishers, ProQuest, Adam Matthew Digital and Brill, in order to make digital collections of primary source material more affordable for institutions to purchase, so that researchers, teachers and learners can enjoy access to an even wider range of resources. Digital collections of primary source material such as texts, […]

Community Content e-content Independent Voices

Reveal Digital webinar on library crowdfunding model for open access digital collections

Last week Jisc and Reveal Digital hosted a webinar to introduce Reveal Digital’s library crowdfunding model for open access digital collections to UK Higher Education institutions. A recording of the webinar can be found here and below are the slides from the webinar. The webinar provided an overview of Reveal Digital’s cost recovery-open access model […]

Community Content e-content Independent Voices

Independent Voices – pledging and licencing fees

The Independent Voices collection by US-based organisation Reveal Digital follows a cost-recovery open access model. Once digitisation and related costs have been recovered through a library crowdfunding model, the collection goes on open access. This is scheduled to be in 2019. In the US, 96 libraries have already pledged their support to Independent Voices. In […]

Community Content e-content Independent Voices

Drugs, sex and rock & roll: Independent Voices focuses on a rebellious era while changing the scholarly publishing landscape

A guest post by Peggy Glahn describing Independent Voices, Reveal Digital‘s crowdfunded collection. Jisc is interested in your views on Reveal Digital’s open access publishing model, register for the webinar on 1st December at 3.30pm. . The 1960s began an era of tumultuous social change in the Western world. In the United States, the 1960s […]


Digitisation of Leeds’ Cookery and Health Sciences Historical Collections

As part of the UK Medical Heritage Library (UK-MHL) digitisation project, jointly funded by Jisc and the Wellcome Library, the University of Leeds library is contributing content from its Health Sciences Historical Collection and Cookery collection. This is the third in a series of blog posts, following the Royal College of Physicians’ (RCP) and Glasgow […]


Towards a UK Digital Public Space: a blueprint report

The Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) has published a new report, Towards a UK Digital Public Space – A Blueprint Report . The executive summary provides an overview of the work that was carried out: Sero Consulting (Sero) was commissioned by the Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) in Summer 2014 to undertake research and consultation to produce […]

#JiscSpotlight2 #spotlight

Spotlight on the digital – final recommendations and outputs

Here are the final outputs of the Spotlight on the Digital project: 1) Online guide Make your digital resources easier to discover: a web-based resource for creators and managers of digitsed and digital resources packed with practical tips on how to improve the discoverability of their collections, arranged under broader categories such as “Make Google […]


Spotlight workshop at the Jisc DigiFest

As part of the Jisc Digital Festival in Birmingham the Spotlight team will be holding the workshop Top tips on how to improve the discoverability of your digitised collections on Tue 11 March 2.30-3.30pm (Hall 11b). The session will focus on practical advice and guidance on what creators and managers of digitised collections can do […]


Discovering digital collections: above campus and national solutions

These slides describe a range of above campus or national “solutions” that have been identified by the Spotlight on the Digital project and that could support the discoverability of digitised and digital collections. As illustrated on the slides, the project identified 7 priority solutions that emerged from a number of research and consultation activities over […]


Library directors’ views on digitisation

Independent consultant David Ball was asked to chair the consultation with library directors as part of the Spotlight on the Digital project. Here he reports on his key take-aways. As part of the continuing consultation on Spotlight on the Digital, two focus groups for library directors or their nominees were held at the end of […]


What Wikimedia can do for digitised content

Martin Poulter, Jisc Wikimedia Ambassador, took part in one of the Spotlight on the Digital focus groups looking at what content creators can do to increase the discoverability of their digitised collections. Here he discusses some ideas on how best to engage with the Wikimedia family. The Wikimedia family of projects have a unique role […]


Discovery of digitised Collections vs Items

[Owen Stephens provides a progress update on the Spotlight on the Digital work.] In our investigation of digitised collections on the web as part of the Spotlight on the Digital project we’ve been looking at how both collections and individual items within collections are presented on the web, and how ‘discoverable’ they are using Google. […]


Top discovery channels in online user behaviour

As part of the ongoing reseach the Spotlight project is doing on how to improve discoverability of digitised collections, a couple of weeks ago we blogged asking for suggestions of recent studies on online user behaviour in resource discovery and add them to a Google document we set up. After all suggestions were received (thank […]


Post-digitisation challenges: a cautionary tale, some facts & figures, some good examples

This is a presentation I gave to students from the Pratt Institute NY and the University of Tennessee Knoxville as part of King’s College’s Strand Symposium on Digital Scholarship and ePublishing in June 2013. It focuses on the challenges of sustaining digitised resources including discovery, revenue generation and impact assessment. It draws on real examples […]


Does social media increase discovery of digitised collections?

As part of the Spotlight on the Digital project, which aims to provide practical solutions on how creators and managers of digitised collections can make it easier for people to find (discover) their collections, our Expert group suggested we look into the role social media might play in this. We would like to investigate whether […]


Initial findings from survey of discoverability of digitised collections

Some of the initial findings of the web-based assessment of the discoverability of digitised collections are now available, as part of the Spotlight project. The Discoverability Diagnosis, which we mentioned in the previous blog post, is one of the key activities the Spotlight project is undertaking. It consists of an assessment of about 150 collections […]