Jorum is a free online service providing access to teaching and learning resources, for teaching and support staff in UK Further and Higher Education Institutions. The Jorum team is organising a series of free training events, commencing September 2009. These sessions will provide a blend of presentations, demonstrations and hands-on activities, including searching and depositing […]
Workshops: Collaborative Scholarly Editing
Following on from their Workshops on the Virtual Manuscript Room, the University of Birmingham are holding a two day workshop funded by JISC on Tools for Collaborative Scholarly Editing over the Web. Thursday 24 September: ‘Actions: the State of the Art’ Representatives of projects around the world will give presentations on what they have done, […]
24 September 2009 – UKOLN, University of Bath FREE one-day workshop for * Collection holders in HE and Cultural Heritage organisations * Users of digitised content for teaching, learning and research This workshop is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) as part of a series of workshops & seminars on Achievements & […]
The Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing (ITSEE), University of Birmingham are running a series of workshops as part of the JISC funded Virtual Manuscript Room project. The workshops will be taking place on Tuesday and Wednesday 22-23 September, 2009 The first of the workshops, on Tuesday 22nd Sept will present a hands-on introduction […]
JISC is happy to announce the two winners of its call for Islamic Studies Catalogue and Manuscript Digitisation, who are the Wellcome Library and the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The Wellcome Library will be digitising and cataloguing 500 Arabic-language manuscripts from their collection. They will be doing with assistance with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in […]
After Work, Guinness
Iconic British Poster Design Launched Online From the ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign to advertisements for Gillette and Guinness, the Visual Arts Data Service (VADS) is pleased to announce that a further 100 images from the archives of designer Tom Eckersley have now been made publically available online. The collection was formed by Eckersley and is […]
JISC has today realised its guide to using Second Life for lecturers and teachers. The guide has been written by lecturers, for lecturers and aims to assist lecturers in their use of virtual worlds for teaching and learning. The aim of the guide is to present the basics in order to help lecturers experiment, rather […]
December 2009 will see the launch of JISC’s next three-year strategy and the organisation is seeking feedback on its first draft. Professor Sir Tim O’Shea, chair of JISC’s Board says, “Our core activity of supporting colleges and universities in delivering their missions through the effective use of digital technologies remains unchanged. “However, in light of […]
14-15 September 2009 Holiday Inn, Belfast, Northern Ireland The Joint Systems Information Committee (JISC) and the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) in co-operation with the Strategic Content Alliance (SCA), the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) are delighted to announce that we will deliver a joint two-day workshop […]
Following University College London’s very successful conference on 3D Colour Laser Scanning in March 2008 we are planning a 2-day workshop exploring the life-cycle of a digital object. The workshop is funded by JISC through the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre (AHeSSC). Who is invited? The workshop is aimed at anyone interested in user […]
If you missed the JISC Digital Content Conference, which took place on 30 June-1 July, or simply would like to go back to some of the presentations and issues discussed, you can now access and download all video, audio and most of the speakers’ presentations from the conference web pages. For a summary of the […]
There has been quite a lot of information flying around since a Wikipedia user downloaded and then stitched together high-resolution images from the National Portrait Gallery, before putting them up as a single files on Wikipedia. The statement from the National Portrait Gallery clears up a lot of confusion and seems quite even handed. The […]
Digitisation Workshops
JISC has recently funded a number of workshops to investigate and explore the challenges and achievements in digitisation and e-content. The workshops will be looking at a broad range of areas associated with Digitisation, including: Optical Character recognition (OCR), Collaboartive editing, Large scale digitisation, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Digitising and Mathematics. A list of […]
To celebrate the completion of the In the Bygynning project and the launch of the Manchester Middle English Digital Library, the John Rylands University Library, University of Manchester is hosting a major academic conference on 17-18 September 2009. The Manchester Middle English Manuscripts Conference will consider the Rylands collection within the wider context of other […]
“Many, if not all, of the Pre-Raphaelites had their own ideal of beauty“, as the recently launched Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource illustrates through beautiful images of Pre-Raphaelite paintings and sketches in its Learning resources section. The Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource gives free access to over 3000 images related to the works of artists belonging to one of […]
The JISC-funded A Vision of Britain Through Time website launches today, giving e-access, often for the first time, to over two centuries’ worth of facts, figures, surveys, maps, election results and travel writing showing how 15,000 UK places have changed. The changing story of Britain’s towns and villages can be explored in new depth online, […]
This month sees the launch of the first phase of the Virtual Manuscript Room(VMR), as part of the Mingana Day at the University of Birmingham on 8 July. The presentation of the collection online is a crucial part of JISC’s £1.8 million Enriching Digital Resources programme, a set of 25 projects which enhances the use […]
As Phase 2 of the JISC Digitisation Programme draws to a close, we continue to get plenty of calls asking when Phase 3 will be starting, with great enthusiasm for more of the same. At present, JISC has no funds for a third phase of work on the scale of the previous two phases (totalling […]
JDCC09: Stuart Lee: Content is king
Stuart Lee took as his theme “Content is king, but we are in a republic”. After raising several laughs with his Star Trek ‘library of the future’ (where apparently there will be no enforced retirement age for librarians), he went on to call for a move towards community digitisation.
JDCC09: Sarah Porter: Fostering knowledge
This session saw Sarah Porter put JISC’s work in context (encompassing everything from bourbon biscuits to global infrastructure). Quoting Nick Poole, she told us it was “time to stop thinking and get on and do”.