The event is full but you can still view and interact with the event. It was always our intention to amplify the event so that as many people could access the event and to a degree interact with the event via twitter and blog posts (tag#jdcc09) . We will be live streaming from at […]
At the event “Why pay for content?” organised by the Publishers Association, representatives from the publishing sector, JISC, and academics, put across opposing views on whether we should pay to access content on the internet or it should be freely and openly accessible to everybody. The content in question referred mainly to textbooks and research/reference […]
An AHRC doctoral studentship is available at the Oxford Internet Institute starting this fall. The studentship provides full fees and maintenance for eligible UK students, or full fees for eligible EU students. The area of study is Librarianship, Archives and Records Management, which is broadly defined and includes information communities and the use and management […]
Following the successful Workshop on the Digitisation of Library Material in Europe held in 2007, LIBER and EBLIDA will hold a second edition that will take place at the Royal Library of The Netherlands from 19 to 21 October 2009. Topics in the programme are: public-private partnerships, new economic models, digitisation needs of research and […]
The JISC, along with the NEH, NSF and SSHRC are funding the Digging into Data challenge. Applicants were inivted to send expressions of interest so that the funding bodies could ensure that potential project teams were working within the parameters of the programme. After an FOI (Freedom of Information) request, JISC can reveal that 91 […]
The British Library archive of 19th-century newspapers is now available to the general public on a per per view basis. Over 2m pages of newspapers were digitised as part of the JISC’s Digitisation Programme The HE and FE version of the same content was launched in Autumn 2007 and remains freely available to the tertiary […]
In these times of economic hardship and ever decreasing household budgets, it is always good to remind ourselves of times when money was extremely short. The Visual Arts Data service (VADS) has just launched an online wartime cosmetics archive. The archives of Gala, Miner’s and Crystal, three prominent cosmetics companies operating during and after the […]
Do you have your collection on-line? Do you want it to be accessible to as wide an audience as possible? If you answer ‘Yes’ to either of these questions then having your collection accessible through the flagship European portal is something you should seriously consider. However you might not have heard of Europeana or […]
Moving images and sound recordings are still relatively little used as support to teaching and learning in comparison to other, more established, digital resources such as images and text material. However, they do offer great potential for being exploited in innovative ways within teaching and students work, as well as, of course, research. The digitisation […]
Many digitisation projects have an interest in (or feel that they should be) engaging with social networking and communication tools. Many projects are tempted to automatically adopt the use of sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Blogger, LinkedIn, as well as share information through Flickr, Vimeo, You Tube, Second Life, Digg, StumbleUpon, Google Groups…etc…. But with […]
The Strategic Content Alliance and Netskills are offering introducory short courses on Search Engine Optimisation techniques to improve your online presence, web visibility and website traffic. This event builds on a highly successful course in London in February which resulted in improving professional practice and increased traffic to attendee’s websites. The short courses are aimed […]
JISC Digital Media recently launched Video Assist. This is a new in-depth consultation scheme offering a free bespoke advice and training in the creation of video resources, for a selcted number of successful projects. Below are further details of this exciting new service: JISC Digital Media today announces the launch of Video Assist, a new […]
Update on recent JISC e-Content calls
The JISC e-Content team has had plenty of calls and ITTs flying around recently. Here is where we are with them. The peer-review meeting for the JISC-NEH transatlantic collaboration grants has been held. 28 proposals were received, and these have now been whittled down to four. Assuming these four are ratified by the NEH Council […]
The Strategic Content Alliance has just announced aseries of workshops across the UK that will look at the digital content lifecycle from creation to curation. Details of the workshops can be found below, with further information on the Strategic Content Alliance’s blog. These FREE workshops from the Strategic Content Alliance and Netskills introduce simple and […]
Entries for the 2009 Jorum Learning & Teaching competition are now open. This is the third year that the Association for Learning Technology has run the awards. The competition previously known as the Learning Object competition, will be asking for the submission of exciting and innovative learning and teaching resources that have been created under […]
The British Film Institute has announceed the completion of a ground breaking project to give academics, teachers, students and researchers free online access to hundreds of hours of film and television. Available through the BFI National Archive these clips tell the complex social, economic and political history of Britain in the 20th century. Funded by […]
Music Without Walls
From Indian ritual music to bawdy English pub songs to Ugandan court music to Nigerian Highlife, the British Library’s collections of world and traditional music are emerging from the shelves of the Sound Archive and appearing on the Archival Sound Recordings website. Below are some of the new collections that are available from the Sound […]
The Visual Archive: The Moving Image and Memory is an international workshop taking place on 28- 29 May in Milton Keynes, and organsied by the Open University in partnership with the British Film Institute. As the web site explains: This workshop directs attention to the visual archive, particularly archives of moving images, and the role […]
Europeana, the portal for the cultural collections of Europe, is now fully functioning and looking for feedback. The ups and downs of Europeana have been followed by this blog in a number of past posts, so it is good to see it in full working order, and looking to improve the user experience. Tell us […]
The Toolkit for the Impact of Digitised Scholarly Resources (TIDSR), developed for JISC by the Oxford Internet Institute, is now available online for everybody to use. If you have been struggling with making sense of hits, visitors numbers, log analysis, users feedback, wondering how to interpret all this data, how to gather it in the […]