events In the news Publicity and promotion

Learning Impact Awards Competition 2010

Don’t procrastinate! Submit your nominations now for the Learning Impact Awards and Recognition Program. Nominations for the 2010 Global Competition are due by 31 December 2009. It’s easy to submit your nominations, just fill out the nomination form online. The Learning Impact Awards (aka LIAs) recognize the use of technology to support and enhance learning, […]

Projects 2006-2009 workshops

Visualising Climate Change

“The further back you look the further forward you see” – Winston Churchill As part of JISC’s recently funded Digitisation Workshops series, climate scientists and researchers from across the world gathered at Met Office to discuss visualising climate data. Led by the international research initiative ACRE (Atmospheric Clirculation Reconstructions over the Earth) the workshop was […]

e-content events programme management Projects 2006-2009

From Botanical Research to Murder Most Foul: 11 new e-Content Projects begin

The 14-15th October saw the first Programme Meeting for the 11 new projects that from the new e-Content Programme. The meeting is an opportunity for projects to meet each other and share ideas and inspirations, as well as an opportunity for programme managers to meet all the projects in one space. Meeting the Projects The […]

Digitisation priorities e-content events workshops

Mathematic Content in Electronic Media

A recent workshop held on the 9th September 2009 at the Open University discussed the issues that surround mathematical content in digital form. Bringing together leading mathematicians and practitioners involved in the digitisation of mathematical content, the workshop addressed areas such as: collaboration, standards, improving practice,  and reuse of software, in relation to mathematic content […]

Users Web2.0

A helping hand from the general public: true two-way engagement for user generated content

In the last few years there has been an increasing number of initiatives involving the general public in creating or contributing content to existing digital collections, including scholarly digital resources. Projects have ranged from involving the general public in the cataloguing of galaxies (Galaxy Zoo) to experiments in amateur digitization to supplement a literary digital […]

events images Projects 2006-2009 Publicity and promotion

Furer-Haimendorf Photographs Launch Event

Friday 30th October sees the launch of the Fürer-Haimendorf archive at the School of Oriental and Arfican Studies in London. The day will include a seminar, 10am-5pm, and an evening launch event from 5pm-7pm. The photographs of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf are the world’s most comprehensive picture of tribal cultures in the himalayas and naga hills […]

In the news Projects 2006-2009 Publicity and promotion

Unlocking 20 years of independent radio news

In 1973 a group of Fleet Street journalists, with no experience of radio broadcasting, came together and set up the UK first “independent” (commercial) radio service, at the time the only alternative to the BBC, without quite knowing where this would take them. Today, through the digitisation of the London Broadcasting Company/Independent Radio News (LBC/IRN) […]


OCR for the mass digitisation of textual materials

A workshop was held at the University of Bath on 24th September 2009, looking at some of the current issues in using Optical Character Recognition for digitisation, organised in the context of the EU Impact project. Videos, slideshows, notes and questions from the day are now all available from the workshop webpages

In the news Projects 2006-2009

Navy Logbooks help make Waves for Climate Scientists

Today sees the launch of the UK Colonial Registers & Royal Navy logbooks (CORRAL) project that helps address the growing need for reliable climatic data to help researchers in climate change. This collaborative project between the MET Office, The National Archives, the British Climatological Data Centre and University of Sunderland is making historical Navy logbooks […]

In the news london Projects 2006-2009 Publicity and promotion You Tube

East London Lives 2012 – a Living Archive Launches

Today sees the launch of the East London Lives 2012, a digital archive project which aims to document some aspects of change in the lives of East Londoners towards the hosting of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The archive hosts content from research projects based at the University of East London and other contextualising […]

Methodology Projects 2006-2009

How to digitise newspapers

As phase 2 of the British Libray’s newspaper digitisation programme prepares to conclude (1m more pages are due to be added in the coming months), there are some interesting reports about the digitisation process becoming available. The project’s final report looks at the issues such as the capture of metadata, the standards used, and the […]


Winners of JISC e-content Programme

Funding letters have now been largely signed and JISC can announce the winners of its e-content Programme. The call was divided into two strands, the first to allow institutions to develop their skills and strategies for digitising and delivering their digitised content, and the second to maximise the use and benefits of existing digitised content. […]


More funding for digital projects

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) have recently announced £4m worth of funding for digital projects. This is a welcome development, particulary in the light of the fact that the AHRC has had no dedicated funding for ICT work since the cessation of its Resource Enhancement scheme. It has two particular strands, and projects […]

In the news Projects 2006-2009 Publicity and promotion Usability

International award for JISC-funded Pre-Raphaelite resource

The Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource , funded under the JISC Digitisation programme, has been awarded the first prize in the Arts/Culture category of the Interactive Media Awards. The Interactive Media Awards™ recognize the highest standards of excellence in website design and development and honor individuals and organizations for their outstanding achievement. The project was led by […]


Murder in Cardiff, Tragedy at Llanelly: Launch of the Welsh Ballads Project

The Welsh Ballads Digitisation Project, funded as part of the Enriching Digital Resources Programme will be holding a one-day Open Seminar, for academics, students and members of the public.  The seminar will be  featuring a range of speakers on issues relating to ballads and digitisation. The seminar is taking place on Monday 14th Spetember, from  […]

#jdmcollect09 events preservation

Places still available for free digitisation and digital preservation workshops

Places are still available for two free seminars organised by JISC Digital Media on key topics relating to digitisation projects. 1) Successfully Building and Managing Digital Media Collection (5 places remaining) Date: 15th September In order for a digitisation project to provide useful, effective content many interlinking aspects need to be considered. This seminar, which […]

Audio-Visual Projects 2006-2009

More Classical Music Online – Chopin

The addition of over 1500 recordings of Chopin’s music – including key performances of piano repertoire, including all Mazurkas, Preludes, Etudes, Polonaises and more – is another string to the bow of the British Library’s Archival Sound Recordings. The Sound Archive has now built up a formidable array of early recordings of canonical composters, comprising […]

Data capture events

High Volume Digitisation: Issues, Trends & Innovative Robot Tech

The workshop This free workshop focuses on high-volume digitisation of bound materials e.g. books, manuscripts, newspapers, magazines, registers and ephemera. This is a growing area of interest for technical and project managers, practitioners and researchers, and useful for anyone interested in what is also known as ‘mass’ or Large Scale Digitisation Initiatives (LSDIs). Bringing together […]

In the news Projects 2006-2009

War Poetry Archive launches new collection – Edmund Blunden

The University of Oxford’s First World War Poetry Archive has just released a new collection of digitised poems and other material, by Edmund Blunden Blunden was sent to the Western Front in 1916, and served as part of the 11th Royal Sussex regiment. He received the Military Cross for his actions during the Battle of […]

programme management

Start from where you are: Agile methods and digitisation projects

Digitisation projects face unusually diverse and intricate problems such as: collaboration between different institutions, creation of content, website development, developing learning and teaching materials, financial and resource restraints as well as team coordination. Are there ways in which the specific and difficult problems faced by digitisation projects can be mitigated by investigating different project management […]