
Discovery of digitised Collections vs Items

[Owen Stephens provides a progress update on the Spotlight on the Digital work.] In our investigation of digitised collections on the web as part of the Spotlight on the Digital project we’ve been looking at how both collections and individual items within collections are presented on the web, and how ‘discoverable’ they are using Google. […]


Top discovery channels in online user behaviour

As part of the ongoing reseach the Spotlight project is doing on how to improve discoverability of digitised collections, a couple of weeks ago we blogged asking for suggestions of recent studies on online user behaviour in resource discovery and add them to a Google document we set up. After all suggestions were received (thank […]


Does social media increase discovery of digitised collections?

As part of the Spotlight on the Digital project, which aims to provide practical solutions on how creators and managers of digitised collections can make it easier for people to find (discover) their collections, our Expert group suggested we look into the role social media might play in this. We would like to investigate whether […]


Studies in discovery

Spotlight on the Digital is a co-design project which is exploring barriers to the discovery of digitised resources. The starting point is an assessment of a wide range of resources through a Discoverability Diagnosis but equally we need to identify the changing needs of teachers, learners and researchers in relation to their online behaviour in […]


Initial findings from survey of discoverability of digitised collections

Some of the initial findings of the web-based assessment of the discoverability of digitised collections are now available, as part of the Spotlight project. The Discoverability Diagnosis, which we mentioned in the previous blog post, is one of the key activities the Spotlight project is undertaking. It consists of an assessment of about 150 collections […]


Spotlight on the digital: how discoverable are your digitised collections?

Over the past few months we’ve been busy setting up Spotlight on the Digital, an eight-month project (Jun 2013-Jan 2014) which Jisc is running in collaboration with RLUK (Research Libraries UK) and SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries) as part of the Jisc co-design programme. This is a pilot programme including six projects […]