Invitation to complete survey: Citation capture – Enhancing understanding of the use of archives and special collections within academic research and the research outputs produced as a result

Research Libraries UK, in partnership with The National Archives and Jisc, have recently commissioned TheResearchBase to undertake a commissioned study into the citation of archive and special collection holding repositories within academic publications (“Citation Capture”). As a part of this important research, a survey is being undertaken of archivists, librarians, publishers, and academics regarding how […]

#JiscSpotlight2 #spotlight

Join our May 2018 ‘Making your digital collections easier to discover’ training workshops

We are delighted to announce that we will once again be running two one-day workshops to help you increase the reach of your digital collections, optimise them for discovery and evaluate their usage and impact. • 2 May 2018 – Workshop one: Maximising the use of digital collections in learning and research • 16 May […]

Collaboration Community Content Independent Voices

Call for information: digitisation of 1960s, 70s and 80s UK alternative and independent press material

Help us create digital collections, for the open web, by proposing UK alternative and underground press magazine titles in two broad subject areas: The struggle for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) civil rights and equality in Britain Second wave feminism in Britain The deadline for submitting this information is: EXTENDED TO 16 APRIL 2018.  Please download […]

Digital archival collections group purchasing pilot expands as EBSCO joins Adam Matthew Digital, Brill and ProQuest to offer content

EBSCO has joined Adam Matthew Digital, Brill and ProQuest to offer over 70 digital archival collections to the higher education sector as part of the ‘Digital archival collections group purchasing pilot‘ phase two. As with the initial pilot, the project leverages institutions’ collective purchasing power to lower the cost of acquiring digital archival collections around […]

Digitisation priorities Funding UK Medical Heritage Library workshops

Developing new approaches to digitising special collections

We recently ran a workshop after a long period of consultation about out future approach to digisation. The resulting workshop report: Summary Report: New Business Models for Digitisation sets out a direction of travel for us and our key partners and stakeholders. Jisc has a long history of undertaking digitisation initiatives. Back in 1993 the Joint […]

Jisc launches phase two of the ‘Digital archival collections group purchasing pilot’

Following on from the success of our initial pilot, Jisc has now launched phase two of ‘Digital archival collections group purchasing pilot.’ Phase two of the pilot begins on 20 November, 2017 and will run through to the end of the academic year, 31 July, 2018, offering institutions’ maximum opportunity to review the products on […]

Digital archival collections – group purchasing pilot one – outcomes and next steps

Between March and July 2017 Jisc ran the ‘Digital archival collections group purchasing pilot’ in collaboration with three publishers (Adam Matthew Digital, Brill and ProQuest) in order to make digital collections of primary source material more affordable for institutions to purchase, so that researchers, teachers and learners can enjoy access to an even wider range of resources. […]

Community Content Copyright e-content Funding Independent Voices JISC Digital Content Conference

Selecting alternative and underground press content for open access

Peggy Glahn of Reveal Digital concluded a recent guest post on this blog by stating: As proven by the Independent Voices project, Reveal Digital is building an exciting and innovative approach to open access publishing that puts libraries in control of their own content while providing scholars with important new primary source material to support […]

#JiscSpotlight2 #spotlight

Making your digital collections easier to discover. Registration is open for October 17 & 24 training workshops

Jisc is offering two one-day workshops to help you increase the reach of your digital collections, optimise them for discovery and evaluate their usage and impact. ‘Maximising the use of digital collections in learning and research’ will be held on Tuesday October 17th 2017 ‘Measuring usage and impact with digital collections’ will be held on […]


Digital Archival Collections survey

Jisc is supporting Higher Education (HE) institutions in developing a more strategic approach to the acquisition of Digital Archival Collections (DACs). We have been working with 12 HE libraries* on a pilot to help us identify, specify, and quantify information and data which supports a more informed decision-making process. The pilot has shown us, amongst […]

Metadata Reusable data

Digitisation of English placenames (DEEP) project data

I thought I would post links to  data from a big project we funded some time back to capture English historical place-names. The data drives the Historical Gazetteer of England’s Place-names where you can search for individual modern forms to find the historical name. We had previously provided an automated system for using the data […]


Reports from the Live Lab

Jisc recently joined forces with the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine to run one of our Live Labs (see this previous post about our Cardiff lab) at the University of Manchester on 11 May. Some 20 academics, students and convenors assembled to explore the UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) which sits […]

#UKMHL Collaboration OCR UK Medical Heritage Library workshops

GW4 Archives: exploring UK Medical Heritage Library and Historical Texts as data

In recent years hack-days have been all the rage and have proved a good vehicle for interactions between people who normally might not work together. In academia there has been a trend towards running so-called ‘labs’. The word implies experimentation; hack-day tends to imply coding (it can be experimental!), whereas ‘lab’ suggests that it can […]

Jisc sets up new group-purchasing pilot with publishers to lower cost of digital archival collections

Jisc is working in collaboration with three publishers, ProQuest, Adam Matthew Digital and Brill, in order to make digital collections of primary source material more affordable for institutions to purchase, so that researchers, teachers and learners can enjoy access to an even wider range of resources. Digital collections of primary source material such as texts, […]

#JiscSpotlight2 #spotlight

Impact of resource discovery training on development of Museum of English Rural life (MERL)

The Museum of English Rural Life (MERL) and Special Collections, University of Reading participated in the development of the resource discovery training workshops as part of the 2014/2015 Digital Scholarships project. At that time they were going through a major overhaul of both the museum and their website. The resource discovery training played a prominent […]

#JiscSpotlight2 #spotlight

‘Digital in the Undergraduate History Curriculum’ – a ‘Spotlight on the Digital’ case study

Dr Adam Crymble, Digital History Research Centre, University of Hertfordshire, has been working with undergraduate students to develop digital technology capabilities for the study of history. The co-authored ‘Digital in the Undergraduate History Curriculum’ case study describes the methodology and outcomes of integrating digital technologies into the curriculum. Abstract The use of digital methods in […]

Collaboration e-content

Improving acquisition of Digital Archival Collections – call for participation

Jisc is looking to design a new service to support Higher Education (HE) institutions to develop a more strategic approach to the acquisition of digital archival collections. We are inviting up to 12 HE libraries to participate in a pilot to help us identify, specify, and quantify information and data which supports a more informed […]

Community Content e-content Funding Independent Voices

Reveal Digital’s Independent Voices is now available to UK Higher Education institutions

You may be interested to know that Reveal Digital’s Independent Voices is now available to UK Higher Education institutions for pledging via the Jisc Collections catalogue at The pledging period runs until 31 July 2017. Reveal Digital have developed a digital collection made up of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals from the latter […]

Collaboration Community Content Digitisation priorities e-content e-learning Standards Usability Users

Continued thinking about using archives for teaching, learning and research

When I was fortunate to be invited by, Anthony Mandal, Professor in Print and Digital Cultures,  to deliver the keynote at the recent GW4 Remediating the Archive workshop at the University of Cardiff, Wales, I decided to set out the current state of digitisation and its focus upon actual use of digital content by providing […]

Community Content e-content Independent Voices

Reveal Digital webinar on library crowdfunding model for open access digital collections

Last week Jisc and Reveal Digital hosted a webinar to introduce Reveal Digital’s library crowdfunding model for open access digital collections to UK Higher Education institutions. A recording of the webinar can be found here and below are the slides from the webinar. The webinar provided an overview of Reveal Digital’s cost recovery-open access model […]