Collaboration DCDC Conference events

DCDC25 conference – Call for papers

Chose your own future: resilient communities and sustainable solutions is the theme of next year’s Discovering Collections Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference.

As always, the conference will bring together communities across the heritage and academic sectors to discuss all things collections, share experiences and do plenty of networking.

Call for papers

Organisations face escalating costs, changing user or visitor expectations, rapidly emerging technologies such as AI and threats including cyber security, as well as political and climate instability which put increasing strain on our resources.

How ready are we to embrace change, pivot strategy, implement new approaches, and harness new technologies for the good of our collections and our communities?

Submit your proposal to present at DCDC25 by Monday 14 October

Where and When

DCDC25 will be a fully hybrid event and will take place on 29 – 31 July 2025 at Durham University and online using the platform Pheedloop.

The DCDC  conference is organised in partnership by the British Library, Jisc and The National Archives.

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