Jisc is looking to design a new service to support Higher Education (HE) institutions to develop a more strategic approach to the acquisition of digital archival collections. We are inviting up to 12 HE libraries to participate in a pilot to help us identify, specify, and quantify information and data which supports a more informed decision-making process. Background research has been undertaken to evaluate content services provided by other organisations and also to explore possible business models. We have established, through interviews and workshops, that it would be helpful to tackle issues in the following areas:
1. Benchmarking/profiling data (purchased collections)
2. Financial information on acquisition of digital collections/spend data
3. Wish-list and marketplace
4. Usage data
Participating institutions will be expected to provide sample library data, attend two face-2-face workshops and up to three webinars, and provide input into the design of the service.
We would like to work with a maximum of two representatives per institution with responsibility for e-resources management and acquisition, both at a senior and practitioner level. Through this work, institutions will have the chance to shape the development of new services, ensure they deliver value and meet their requirements.
The pilot will run between March and June
Jisc will award each institution a small grant of £2000 to cover staff time and standard travel expenses in relation to this project.
If your HE institution is interested in participating, please fill in the application by downloading it and return it to Peter.findlay@jisc.ac.uk by midday on Friday 24 February 2017. Please click on the following links to download the Call for Participation, the Jisc Terms and Conditions of Grant and a spreadsheet for initial collection information.
Call for Participation: DAC_PilotCall_v05_Final
Application form: DAC_application form2
Spreadsheet for collection information: DACsPilotTitlesRequest(001)
Jisc Terms and Conditions of Grant: Jisc Terms and Condtions of Grant (Project) v2.2