JISC has recently published its 02/10 call, entitled ‘Deposit of research outputs and Exposing digital content for education and research.’
Strand II, focussed on exposing digital content, may well be of interest to digitisation projects.
Often digitisation projects develop specific interfaces so that their users can search and browse through the digitised collections.
However, the recent advent of concepts such as linked data and APIs allows for content to be exposed and made available in other ways, thus allowing other users to builds tools, integrate other data, and provide novel methods of visualisation as well as allowing for machine driven discovery and representation of the resources
This call provides an opportunity, therefore, for digitisation projects to expose their content, this allowing users new and ways of exploring the content.
David Flanders (d.flanders @AT@ jisc.ac.uk) is the relevant JISC member of staff who can provide more information.