Over £1 million in savings – Celebrating the DAC group purchasing scheme

Since 2017, the digital archival collections group purchasing scheme has been helping Jisc members to purchase primary source content for use in learning, teaching and research in an affordable and transparent way. Participating organizations have collectively saved over £1 million since the scheme began. It removes the need to negotiate with publishers as members can […]

DCDC Conference

British Library to work with TNA and Jisc to deliver Discovering Collections: Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference

The National Archives and Jisc are delighted to welcome the British Library as a new partner in the delivery and organisation of the interdisciplinary Discovering Collections: Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference series. The series is one of the largest cross cultural sector conferences in the UK and sees archivists, librarians, heritage professionals, and academics exploring ways […]

Jisc members work together to reduce the cost of digital archival collections: Group Purchasing Scheme 2021-2

The group purchasing scheme to date As we launch the 2021/2022 digital archival collections group purchasing scheme, let’s take a moment to reflect on the scheme so far. Over 1/3rd of our higher education members have collectively saved over £0.8 million on the acquisition of products offered through the group purchasing scheme. Additionally, of these, […]