Developing policies and infrastructure for data-centric research

“Artificial Intelligence: Where does it fit into your library strategy?”

Back in April five UK library sector leaders debated this topic. The debate was followed by a workshop at which participants proposed nine potential strategic actions to address skills and knowledge gaps for librarians to help prepare the sector for AI. Following on from the workshop a paper has been drafted by Andrew Cox and Catherine Robinson. The resulting event report was posted to our National Centre for AI blog and the draft paper is open for comment here.

Shared Infrastructure for Scholarly Communication

A team at Ithaka S+R have recently also drafted this timely report, evaluating the current landscape and examining how the international sector relies on shared components to deliver services and looks at the opportunities to respond to emerging trends such as atomisation of the scholarly record. It is open to comment until 31 August.

Vancouver Statement on Collections as Data

Again, in April information professionals from many countries around the globe travelled to Vancouver to discuss “Collections as Data: State of the Field and Future Directions”. The resulting updated statement will be known as the Vancouver Statement on Collections as Data, an iteration of the preceding Santabarbara Statement. A draft version of the Vancouver statement can be viewed here (though it is now closed for comment). We look forward to the completed statement in the near future.

Podcasts galore

You can listen to part three of our Jisc podcast miniseries, exploring artificial intelligence in the context of the humanities. My colleague Paola Marchionni is joined by Professor Jane Winters to discuss the often complex and messy, data that historians increasingly deal with when working with digital collections. We’ll take a series break in the summer but look out for the next episode in September when I will be talking with Professor Leif Isaksen about research practices.

If you have already listened to the AI series, then why not look at our other podcast currently focused on digital transformation.

This post forms part of a series on Artificial Intelligence (link to all AI posts) and the things we can do to be more aware of its underlying technologies.

By Peter Findlay

Subject Matter Expert, Digital Scholarship, Content and Discovery, Jisc

Working with Jisc's Higher Education members to improve access special collections in the age of data-centric arts, humanities and social science research.

I am a site admin for this website.

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