
Finding out why we are doing it, why we did it and who cares

Yesterday we ran an evaluation and impact synthesis workshop and I must say it helped me see that, rather than being dry topics, evaluation and impact are actually practices which we can all benefit from. To achieve good results it is essential to plan ahead and try to stand back from what you are doing […]


Levels of fun, groovy interfaces and facinating facts

It is nice to see project blogs packed with interesting facts and updates. I recently enjoyed this post on musical and sculptural uses of Seal Level data from Rescuing Historical UK Sea Levels Data, a project being undertaken at the British Oceanographic Data Centre (see some more recent posts as well). Then there is this […]


Digital Humanities Congress 2012

The Digital Humanities Congress will be held at the University of Sheffield on 6-8 September 2012. Digital humanities is intended to mean “the use of technology within arts, heritage and humanities research as both a method of inquiry and a means of dissemination.” The programme is packed with sessions covering, among other topics, digitisation of […]